Monday, July 20, 2009

Jobs, flying writin' and funny (or not so much) Assasinations

y'know, its kind of off putting to decide to write a blog, and come to find out nobody cares.
(sigh) ahhh jeez. but whatever. im gonna have some fun with this anyways. you know whats really hard? writing. well i know its kinda easy (paradox! haaa.) but what to write about. that shits hard. especially if you love to write. because then all these little things, jokes and stories either real or imagined, start to clamor for your attention. its like they're all screaming "write me! NO! screw that one write ME!" and then, then it gets depressing. cuz you wonder like, am i ever gonna have enough time to write all this shit? I think the one of the worst things that could ever happen to you is to die with a story on your lips. (deep huh? i knowww.)

But hey im not worried. im a rebel like that. im the person thats optomistic when everyones negative, and negative when everyones optomistic it seems. as a result, i tend to laugh at things that arent funny. ha-ha. I rember when we were watching "Forest Gump" in school and i laughed when JFK was assasinated. i don't know why. i think it was the fact that it seemed that every famous person that he met got assasinated. (the teacher looked at me like i was Satan.)

another thing i do thats weird is, i tend to look at bad things that happen to me with an outsiders perspective. when i got thrown out (i say "thrown out" because thats what literally happened), of my house, i was laughing. this is because i was wondering what it looked like to people walking by, yknow? Just minding your bussiness, then all of a sudden you've got to duck cus some kids flyin out of the house you just passed. this also happened when i was playing football and was sent flying by my loving cousin. I'm sittin (well if you can call doing a horizontal 360 degree spin "sitting") there, and all i can think of is
"so this is what football feels like",
"is there a dance tonight?",
"what do i care?- i've got no money."
"wow ive actually got time to think about this shit? When am i gonna hit the ground?"
(the dance part might have been more along the lines of "what am i gonna do tonight when i get home?" sorta-thing- i just added that in for commic relief. the "ive actually got time..... blah blah" is in there though- minus the blah blah part. i'm lazy so sue me.)

hmm. this blog thing denotes that i have lots of free time.
i need a job.

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